For People with Learning Disabilities
Blog, news and all that patter!
Lewisham Speaking Up People's Parliament
Epilepsy - a great outcome for a young man!
Shaping future services after crisis
‘Learning Together’ at The Ortus Centre
‘Let's Talk About Sexuality’ - a fantastic group for people with learning disabilities
The day I met ADHD
'Laughing Boy' - a rollercoaster of happiness, sadness, indifference, humanity and most important buses!
Justice for Laughing Boy
Spains first parliamentary who has Down syndrome ❤️
‘The milkman of human kindness’ lives in Bexley Food Bank!
Just a change of approach - Working within the social model - the self advocacy way
Positive Voices Conference 2023
The Mental Capacity Act and reducing restrictive practice
EAMHID Congress 2023 - “Peter and Friends” hit Helsinki!
“Finding Ivy” the story of people with learning disabilities and Aktion T4
Celebrating Learning Disability Nursing at The Old Naval College
Positive Choices and Positive Commitments in Liverpool!
Coproduction - does it come naturally?
Lloyd and Steve unbiased review of the launch of ‘Peter and friends talk about mental health!
I am human too! Our visit to NHSE